Wednesday 26 November 2008

With One to Spare

The goal of my project is to motivate a shift in behaviour while having a minimal impact on the environment. I am designing a campaign called “think.” It will get young people [16-25] thinking… about everything. We make mall choices every day that have a major impact on our lives and the world around us but we don’t always realize it. So this campaign will use digital media as well as some very basic daily objects that will become their own voice to inspire earnest introspective thinking in young people. When that starts, their choices will begin to change.

I realize that I don't always speak clearly. Thus far, I'm not too sure if anyone has a clear vision as to where my project is headed. I know that someone must be wandering what ever happened to me "series of maps." Well... I stopped needing them. Things just started popping into my head. I know my notebook is going to be rather incoherent, but it all makes sense to me. I had considered a few different directions to take my campaign. 
1] The Feisty Lemming! [Playing on the common misconception that lemmings follow without thinking. So be different and mix things up by thinking for yourself.]
2] Looking Back: "The mistakes of history [Let's not repeat them!]"
3] Looking Back: "If they had[n't]... things would be different."/"What if they had..."

I have decided to go with number 3. The first was just coming out to goofy and childish and was more fun than it was thought-provoking. The second was a bit austere. It was starting to look like "When the people of Germany felt lost, they all supported the Nazis and Hitler for their visions of a better Germany. Unfortunately, they never really considered exactly what policies were coming into place..." You get the idea. It was just too harsh and painful. I would like to hope that unwittingly voting for the star candidate is NOT like a vote for Hitler. So the third seemed the best. Look at what has happened, and how relevant it is to you! Such great things happen in small numbers that we are a part of every day.

If you would like a hint of the tone/attitude of my campaign then take a look at the truth campaign website. This campaign is against the lies of the tobacco industry [they aren't actually against smoking, just against the propaganda of "big tobacco"]. The recently re-branded the campaign to "The Sunny Side of Truth." It's a rather satirical approach to what the tobacco industry tries to cover up about the effects of smoking such as expecting mothers who smoke. Their babies suffer from defects and life-long health issues. But a tobacco executive was quoted as saying that some women would prefer smaller babies. Granted, the actual birthing process might be less painful [the sunny side], but these children are born underweight and unhealthy setting them up for future health problems [the truth]. Of course my campaign will not be exactly alike, and I will not really employ much satire or sarcasm BUT I thought this might be a fun prelude to my work. Enjoy.