What IS important to me?
What do I really care about?
What issues does my hometown face?
What issues does Britain face?
Are any of these alike?
How has each approached the issue?
What is the difference in style?
What is Britain facing that I find important?
How can I best approach any issue from a British point of view?
Are there any cultural differences that must be noted?
Is it important that I come from a British point of view... or is it time for something different?
I know that I will have more questions as time goes on, as this design process moves forward, and I will also answer these questions. I'm really excited to see where this will lead. Hopefully I find a pattern of design/design research that works for me, personally. Something better than the four years of text books [ALL the same] have offered.
I would like to start a little tradition. Hopefully, I will keep it up. But for now... with every post I want to put some piece of design that I find interesting, or simply enjoy. Because the more I look at design, the more I'm actually studying it and processing it in my mind. Without further ado... I give you "monster" [located above] by Ryan Cox. I love... LOVE his design work. His work resembles every element that I adore and I work to employ. His design are bright simple and fun, and as basic as they may seem each is unique. There is just something special about his design, whether it is intuitive, or just a little fun. It's design that doesn't take itself too seriously, and I love that. I chose this particular piece because it's just a whole lot of fun. And also because it reminds me of the Fire Gang from The Labrynth starring David Bowie. [Throughout the course of this blog, you will more than likely discover my love for the 80's.] Just check out his work... doesn't it just put a smile on your face? I think that's one of the gifts of good design. Good design moves you in some kind of direction. Ryan Cox moves me to happiness. Without a doubt, I will include more of his work in this blog at some point.