Today's images are from Olimpia Zagnoli. I love it because it's simple... SO simple but intriguing. It's fun and interesting. I'm not the biggest fan of her work, but she does have a few pieces that I love, and this is one of them. They are called Anatomy of Tissue Paper. Clever, right?
So I was thinking about the research design process, and how it pertains to me. In class, we worked on a research process for a group of people. We each did our own, but as I work on this RSA project, I am realizing that the process is FAR different than what we discussed. So here is what I've settled on in terms of my own research process.
First- figure out the question.
*so long as you've got a genereal idea of the project, you've got a starting point. Put down everything you know, or think you know about the subject. Try to find other things you may are may not heard of that already exist.
Second- go through your research to begin research.
*start researching the things you know. Chances are, you only know topical things. The more you find out about what you already know, you'll begin to discover things you don't know and find your direction.
Third- choose a direction!
*enough researching and digging around in space, it's time to pick something and run with it. Find some key points and work on narrowing down and choose a direction that you know you can work but also one that is interesting and has great creative potential.
Fourth- start designing.
*sketch things. Make thumbnails, just pour out ideas on things you want to do. And don't be afraid to carry around a notebook to put something down when you randomly think of it. [You never know when inspiration will hit you!]
Next [I'm tired of numbering]- refine!
*choose an artistic direction and go with it. Work on ideas that can be evolved together to create something cohesive, but keep an open mind because you may find that the direction you've chosen isn't quite right. In that case, just work on it! Make changes when necesarry.
TIME OUT!!! Don't forget that when you are working wiht a client, keep them informed. This is about the point you would share your work with the client. Show them mark-ups, and elt tem in on the direction you've chosen [be advised, some clients like feeling as though they have an option, so let them feel that way.]
Moving On- perfect it.
*I am thinking this step as rather self-explanatory. Just perfect your work. Work on final looks... we're a bit past mark-ups now. The client should be able to see more realistic work at this point. They need a real feel for what's happening.
Finally- end it!
*Get it done. Fulfill your promise. The funniest thing about this, hoenstly, is that you wil more than likely be researching things until the day you present it with final packaging. Great fun.
That being said, I am at stage... two! I've been going through the project I've chosen and I've been ahving trouble finding direction, so I've just been doing somehwat aimless research. As such, I've been constantly asking myself questions.
Exactly what is elegant frugality... how can I really make it apply in a way that matters to me?
I think it's really more about being functionally responsible, and not jsut gimmicky. Reusable bags are a nice idea, but are we really using them? I mean hybrid cars are actually a bit of a joke, unless everyone switches because of all of the other implications like mechanics and new qualifications, and other such things.
What have other people, groups, done?
Reusable bags. Water bottles made with less plastic but the same capacity. Hybrid/electric cars. Computers with recyclable and easy-to-replace parts.
Should I come up with something new, or should I work on promoting/developing a new idea?
I'm not exactly an inventor an engineer, but there are some really good concepts out there. I think maybe I want to do both. Run with a newer concept and evolve it.
How far can I take this? Is this about developing my skill in design, or about the overall process?
I'm thinking that I want to develop my skill in the overall process. So I'm going to challenge myself. I will choose something thtat I have vision for, but something that I feel is currently underplayed or unnoticed.
From what I've seen and gathered, what am I most interested in and how can I best tailor it to the brief?
I REALLY like eco-friendly electronics. Bamboo casing, recyclable parts, lower energy needs. But most of all, I like functionality that's attractive.
That's all I've got so far. I'll be sure to question further. To be honest, it's really as far as I've gotten. I'm having trouble narrowing things down. But the more I question myself about the direction I want to go, the clearer answers will become.