Saturday 18 October 2008

The First Task of Many

I had previously discussed two designers I'm a fan of on another blog... but it got spammed! So I'm re-writing it and putting it here. The first I chose was actually a group of designers.

Target is an American store that is a bit like ASDA, but for them, design is everything. It's hard to find names for their creative team as they use an in-house agency, but they do partner with other designers for their ads/campaigns every now and again... such as the wonderful Ryan Cox! They consistently empower the brand by respecting customers and audiences as creative individuals. Their latest campaign, "Hello Good-buy" is a play on a top Beatles song. It's another example of how they are always reinventing the classic. Their goal isn't to be edgy, and I think that makes for gret design. Because TRYING to be edgy, always looks forced. And Target ads are just naturally fun and inviting.

Next, we have Meg Hunt. She has a much more artistic look. In general, she uses a rather interesting colour palette. Her work has such a flow to it, and it isn't because she has a great use of line. When you pick it apart, there is nothing about her work that is smooth. But her ability to use interesting colors, patterns, and motions makes for the most brilliant design work. Her illustrations have a much more natural artistic look to them then alot of the current and newer work. In my opinion, I think it is the direction of future design. Artistic and stylized work are definitely the direction of future design... which, interestingly enough, was how it started. The era of stark solids and basic forms for advertising is over. Designers are definitely coming back. And it's nice to see advertisers, and brands really recognizing the power of design and image.