Legally, I have to say that "Exploding The Dot" is a registered trademark of Debbie Wideroe... because it is. But basically, that is what I am posting about today. Exploding the Dot, otherwise known as mapping, is a way to just get ideas down and find some sense of direction by asking lots of questions and looking for which way to go. As you can see, there are two different maps. One is messy, and one is not. The first map I created in class. To be honest, it left me feeling woozy and entirely directionless.
For a creative person... I really do enjoy structure. So I created the second map. I tried to leave me preconceived notions behind, which I failed to do in the first map. I have decided that instead of showing a "growing" map I'm going to show a series of maps. This is mostly due to the fact that looking at old thoughts confuses me, and I need structure. I have noticed that no matter how I begin a project, I always end up in a better albeit different direction. So the best way for me to work is to get things down, work them out, and move on. So the more structured map shows exactly where I am at right now.
as you can see, my biggest question is HOW? How do people change? How do I help them get there? How do I motivate them based on where they are at? I began with the idea that this campaign does not have to objectively or subjectively focused. My biggest concern is that the purpose is to change behaviour... So that is wher eI started. I looked at it in two ways. Easy, would be people who are definitely conscious of their behaviour and it's only engrained as a choice, not necesarrily because of cultural factors. Then there is hard. Hard would be people who jsut do it. They may be conscious of it, but they are more like worker bees. It's less than a thought. How did either of these types get there and where do we go from here? How do you motivate the different types?
After reaching this point, I have refocused my research not on things, but just on behaviour. How do other organizations motivate people, and what difficulties have they found? How are attitude and behaviour linked... do i have to change one inorder to change the other or can behaviour be shifted regardless of what someone thinks or believes? Can I introduce something that will make change for someone, or do I really jsut need to motivate the person? Interesting...