Photography. It's allll done! We have themed shots, and icon shots. About 800 photos to choose from in all. [I finally understand and appreciate when they warn the models they only have 50 frames on America's Next Top Model! That many frames only produces 3 or 4 perfectly worthy shots...] Some of them are seriously lacking in inspiration, but others are breathtakingly gorgeous. I'm so excited for my final publications.
The logo. It looks so sexy with it's juicy color and high resolution. We're talking professional quality here people. And the "client" has seen it and loves. 3 cheers for getting it right!
The Look Book is DONE. That's right, I have put it all together and it looks fabulous. Now it just needs to be edited, and printed. It's been a fairly tricky process in that my client is VERY self-concious [which isn't a bad thing in terms of PR...] so picking photos that speak to the cohesiveness of message and ddesign has been difficult. She wants to feel pretty [can you blame her] but sometimes fails to see the beauty in particular photographs. Alas, that is the purpose of such a project... learning how to work with a subject and produce something more than satisfactory for both the client and the public or whomever it is inteded for...
That's well and good, you say, but what all is MISSING and queued up to be completed? Well, my good friends, I must complete the book teaser for starters. I need to finish the content and layout examples. It won't be very large, but it still needs to be sharp as a tac in terms of design. After all, it's basically a proposal. Also, I need to finish putting together all of my research. It is currently scattered like a broken string of pearls. Finding and picking them up is easy enough, but they are all over the place and will take some time getting back in order. Yikes.
With that, I must leave you so that I may continue working on my project. But you need some visual munchies to hold you over [I know, words are not enough] until the finished product. So I leave you with a few particularly gorgeous photos of the lovely Ruby Randolph. [My amateur photography skills are gonna leave you jealous and wanting more... I know.]