But no more! To keep myself accountable as a designer with a client to answer to [as opposed to a nutty creative person with answers but no explanations] my goal is to provide an orderly weekly update on my final project as well as tidbits of other design I am working on to fill the mean time. So here goes...
I have had a few meetings with my "client" and I have given her homework. Since I am branding her "personality," it is key that she plays an active role in the process. I have assigned her homework such as creating her own catch-phrases and quotes that embody who she is and wht she stands for. She loves the idea of performing but I have brought the brief back to reality by deciding on promoting her as more of a "lady's feminist and kitsch writer" instead of an all-around character and peformer. She has so many poignant ideas and things to say that are much more realistically introduced to the market through "fabulous literature" instead of an on-stage variety show.
The personality has also been greatly whittled down to key messages and insights. So my research is headed in a different direction than I had originally considered. I'm looking more into communicating "fearless feminine feminism" as opposed to glitter and general performer fabulosity. Hopefully, my research will be completed and analysed by the end of next week. There is much designing to be done, but I can't really get started until I know exactly what to communicate and HOW.
Interestingly enough, my research and work with the client has led me to a different realization of the outcome. I intend to produce brand guidelines as well as a book teaser for what would be her introduction to the market...
In other design news, I have been working on a couple of logo designs for anotehr brief. The logo is for a media team handbook. I considered goign the bland businessy route, but decided that a theme would be much more fun and representative of the media team. I am designing an "academy patch" logo. The idea revolves around high school handbooks and yearbooks/annuals. The magazine/handbook would be a publication given to newcomers to the media team to introduce them to the different teams, their work, and jsut a general handbook to joining the team.As a member of the team I have seen them to be a fun-loving and creative bunch and it's more liek an after-school club than a boring corporate team. So that is a bit of the background. It isn't finished yet, but I thought I would give you a little peek as to how it is coming along...