Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Re-Arrange Us

Right then. So last Thursday we [as students] decided to come together and discuss our projects. Being as I tend to have anti-social tendencies, I was mildly surprised to find that the input I received was far more intuitive then I had expected and got me re-thinking my layout plans. As such, I have been able to really edit my work. I started with 30 pages for layout and am now down to 15. [Less is more, especially in design.] One of the suggestions for creating the book was to actually each design and stack them like discs on a holder. I had thought of something literal like that before but dismissed it rather quickly. What I failed to realize was that I can be literal without being literal. So I am considering doing an actual cd insert. What if I created a list of "lyrics"? Then I could create an insert with a playlist, "lyrics" and the whole design and background would contain the creative content. It may sound a bit abstract and confusing, but I think that perhaps something beyond jsut a basic book is in order here. After all, my subject isn't exactly basic book content.