The most interesting quirk in this type face is the angled A and the tilted G. It gives the typeface a sort of abstract movement. Though it is a seemingly clear and concise typeface, it stands out with strong well-placed differences. I love the name because it kind of represents a rocker attitude: amongst the many, rock is being bold and and fearlessly different like it's a good thing... rock gives life and stands for the heroes. Visit his website!

Billy Argel designed Green Piloww in 2008. This typeface is full of content and depth so thought it is a highly useable font, it's definitely intended for making short and poignant statements... not essays. The designer even gave it a tagline "Green piloww for green minds." That basically says it all. He designed the typeface in an era when actively caring about the environment is just a way of life but a highly popular style of life. The typeface actually has something to say in it's design. IT makes no demands, rather it is a statement about the person wearing it, or the activity advertised. It says, "Being good natured is about caring for nature and I've got to say it feels good. Want to join?"

I have to say the most interesting thing about this typeface is that it's designer live sin Sao Paolo... Brazil! I have recently been discovering some joyous bits of design, and Brazil seems to be the place for new and happening design as well as designers. That definitely says something else about the typeface... whatever it reads and certainly implying what's current and "in."